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Hello and Welcome To Our Luxuivogue Store!

We have been specialised in retailing and wholesaling replica designer bags, shoes, belts, etc of lushentic grade quality worldwide for three years. We have primary sources of factory which produce these best grade workmanship rep items on the market which utilizing fully imported 1:1 leather and hardwares as authentic ones through backdoor channels from original factories. If you look for a professional and trustworthy seller who can be your long-term partner,then we are the destination to visit and deal with. And we strongly welcome agents and distributors worldwide.

A variety of Popular & Famed replica designer products are available here,and our catalogs and the latest products are constantly extended,which keeps path of fashion trendy and what you are drooling over.

Our Replica Bags, Shoes and accessories are made with the highest class 1:1 as authentic utilizing exact 1:1 Fabric, Imported Leather and Hardwares are made by pioneer crafters that were hired from the original factory namely "Lushentic Grade" available! Don’t be fooled by cheap street replica handbags. Ours have the look, touch and even the smell of the real deal !! Order your dream designer bags in lushentic class with much lower cost from us and you will be convinced !

The best part about buying good quality and authentic replicas of designer handbags is that you can get almost the real deal at a less price than the actual brands in the market. The products in Luxuivogue will come in a price range of around 100 to 1000 dollars a piece while the actual brands are about six even more times that cost. So, check out this website for the real deal.

If you can't find your desired ones in our website, you could surely also contact us by clicking Whatsapp icon on top of our website to let us check it for you! :)

>>> Please contact us to inform us of the item link you want to order and your country to ship to to let us confirm its avaibility first, and then we will send you the confirmation message and payment details to let you fulfill the payment. So sorry for the inconvenience as it is "sensitive" to integrate any payment processing gateways on our website, which would pose a high risk to make our website get banned due to "sensitive" nature of our business,thanks for your kindly understanding! <<<

Any problems with our website or any other questions, please feel free contact us and we will reply as best as we can! :)

Welcome to contact us at our WhatsApp 
and we will respond faster!

Working Hours: Mon-Sun 8am-12pm
Email:    WhatsApp Direct

Enjoy your shopping here!